Hugo Setup

My Hugo Setup

Here’s how I set up this site using the Hugo static site generator.


There’s many available themes. I used the Mainroad theme, but I changed the colors.

Composing Posts 

To add a post, you just add a new markdown file with the correct metadata section at the top, and then run Hugo again to generate your static site.

Here’s an example of what an actual posts look like written in markdown. This post is just making a table with a header above it, with a few tags, etc., in the metadata section at the top.

This post shows how I do the syntax highlighting on the site using PrismJS.

Default Post Template (Archtype)

When you add a post by running “hugo new post/”, it uses the template (json or toml format) in layouts/archtypes/ If you want to use the archtypes from a theme instead, then set the “theme” key in your config.toml file. Note that as long I as I have the “theme” key set, Hugo seems to prioritize the archtypes from the theme directory, as opposed to archtypes in my sites layouts/archtypes directory.

Documentation for archtypes is on the Hugo Site

Here is the content of my archtype template:

title: "{{ replace .TranslationBaseName "_" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
tags: []
categories: []
draft: true

Configuration for Hosting on Github

Since I host my site on Github, I followed the instructions on the Hugo site for [hosting on Github] (

I set my config.toml file to post to the “docs” dir in my github repo:

baseurl = ""
publishDir = "docs"
title = "One Problem Solved"

This is the repository for my site.